About the Dalmatian







Pet First Aid

Children and Dogs



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The Dalmatian is a beautiful, intelligent dog that has either black or liver spots with eyes that are brown, blue or amber coloured. They are a healthy breed and live up to 15 years.

Dalmatians are people-like and people oriented. They do best when given the opportunity to spend lots of time with and around their families. Dalmatians are wonderful family dogs, and are great in multi-pet households. Dalmatians can also get along splendidly with cats if introduced appropriately.

The Dalmatian is an active, energetic and creative dog that enjoys (and requires) lots of exercise. Dalmatians love to play ... and play ... Bred to run for hours under or alongside the axle of a horse-drawn coach, Dalmatians do not tire easily. However, they do poorly as full-time outdoor dogs. Their sensitive skin and short hair does not allow them to handle weather extremes.


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Positive reinforcement is the best way to train your Dalmatian. Let's think about it in human terms ... you wouldn't want to be smacked or screamed at everytime you did something wrong. You would feel discouraged and eventually angry.

Now think about how you would feel if you were never recognized or praised for any positive action you performed. Don't lie to yourself. You would be upset, resentful and again, angry. So why, do people continue to train dogs with negative techniques? Dogs may not feel things EXACTLY the way we do, but the analogy is still valid. Studies have shown that positive reinforcement is the best and most effective way to teach.

What is positive reinforcement training? It is rewarding a dog for doing the right thing and ignoring or reshaping undesirable behaviors. For example, when teaching a dog to sit, you can stand there all day and yell "Sit", but if he has not been taught what the word means it will be ineffective. Positive reinforcement uses a toy or treat, to shape the behavior. If you move the treat towards the dog's nose and he sits, he gets praise and the treat. If he gets up to get it, nothing is said to correct him but he also does not receive the treat. Repetition will teach the dog to sit every time the treat comes towards his nose. Now you add a word to tell him what he is doing, just as he performs the action - "Sit". Soon he will understand the connection between the word and the action. Now he will get a treat only after he complies with the verbal command.

Seek out instructors who are well-versed in positive reinforcement or clicker training techniques. Visit the class. Look for a place where the handlers use treats, toys, buckle collars or clickers. The dogs will be happy and eager. Positive reinforcement training allows the dog to learn to think on his own.


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Dalmatian owners everywhere will remember shopping for their first Dalmatian. The first innocent trip to the pet store where they bought the first toys. Intensive thought went into the colour and attractiveness of the toy, then home they went. Imagine their surprise when the toy only lasted one hour (if that)!

Veteran Dalmatian owners know that little survives the jaws of a Dalmatian. Dalmatians need to chew, especially when they are young, so providing them with toys that can take their jaw power is important.

Over the years I have found some favourites:

Pet First Aidpaw

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In an emergency, first aid could make the difference between life and death. As prevention of illness and injury is a primary focus of pet first aid courses, first aid training should result in a reduction of unnecessary injury and illness.

There are courses available through various organizations. Call your vet for information.

Courses should include:

Children and Dogspaw

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The sole responsibility for the interaction between the family dog and the children falls on the parents. A family dog can be a wonderful experience or a terrible nightmare. A wonderful experience will occur when:

You will notice that the key to success is the parents. Dogs are not toys for children. They are living creatures with needs and emotions, whose only ability to communicate is through body language. This includes biting!

Here is a list of what NOT TO DO with a family dog

Here are some suggestions to help you be successful

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