you from Canada? If so, click here.
you from the United States or other country? If so, click here.

For Adopters Outside
of Canada 
We do not adopt outside of Canada. However, if you are
calling from the USA, adopting a Dalmatian should not be a problem, as there are
numerous Dalmatian Rescues across the USA, all which regularly have Dalmatians
for adoption. For your convenience some websites are listed below. However this
is not an exhaustive list.

For Ontario
Adopters and Canadian Adopters 
1. Distance Adoptions (ie: outside of
We will not ship dogs except under highly unusual
circumstances. We fully expect distance adopters to come and personally pick up
their adopted Dalmatian. To date we have adopted as far west as Manitoba and as
far east as Nova Scotia ... and yes, they did drive to Ontario to meet with and
pick up their newly adopted Dalmatian. Distance adoptions must still meet all of
our basic adoption requirements. However, if you feel that you cannot make the
drive, we also generally have a list of dogs available in other provinces, which
would not require transport. [Ontario is not the only province with homeless
dals]. If you would like to discuss these issues, then please feel free to
contact us.
2. Local Adoptions (ie: inside of Ontario)
We fully expect adopters to visit their prospective
Dalmatian and pick up their adopted Dalmatian once they are approved for
adoption. Transport can occassionally be worked out, if one of our volunteers is
in the area.
3. General Adoption Information
If you would like to adopt a Dalmatian, please review our
site before calling us. All of the basic information you need to know about
Dalmatians is contained in this site. In particular please see the following
If you want a Dalmatian there are some basic points you
need to know
- This is a high shedding breed. You must be comfortable with dog hair and
there cannot be any allergies in the home.
- This is an extremely active breed. You must be prepared to exercise your
Dalmatian for hours EACH DAY; rain, snow, sleet or shine.
- This is an expensive breed to keep. You must be prepared to pay for high
quality (ie: expensive) dog food, and veterinary bills if your Dalmatian gets,
stones, crystals, allergies, ear infections etc
If you have read the above links and are prepared to accept
the points above, then have a look at the dogs who need
homes and then give us a call regarding adoption. If any of these points
bother you then you will need to consider a different breed, because you cannot
change a Dalmatian. We would be happy to discuss any of these points with you in
greater detail if you need more information.
4. The Adoption Process
- Begins with a telephone interview
- Prospective family visits potential dogs
- A home visit is held at the prospective family's residence with all
persons living in the home present
- Prospective family presents a written letter of reference from a
veterinarian (if this is not possible it must be discussed)
- If family is approved then an adoption day is selected
- On the adoption day, an adoption contract is signed, the adoption fee is
paid, and the family begins life with their new family member
- A post adoption contact person is provided to the new family
- A post adoption home visit occurs approximately 4 months after adoption
- New adoptees are invited to join our membership and partake in our DAR